Saturday, February 6, 2021

Antique Tatted Purse

A while back an old friend ('old' as in I've known him a long time) gifted me this antique tatted purse/bag. 

 He found it while cleaning out his late mother's home. She had put a note in it saying that she had bought it at an garage sale in the last decade...thus no clue as to its age or provenance. 

I knew Marge and have a lot of history with several of her kids.  Thus it is an honor to have received this piece.


  1. A wonderful gift, in itself and as a reminder of your friends.

    1. Thanks Jane. I really should figure out how to 'use' it. It really is well tatted and thus fairly robust.

  2. I know! It's remarkable that the woman who bought it was NOT a tatter nor a lacemaker. But she was a quilter and thus recognized the value in purchasing this piece.
