Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Can you guess what the subject of my next book is?

next book

I was striving to having this book published by Easter in regards to its subject matter.  But I realized that Easter is early this year.  In addition, I am still creating 3 more what I call ‘just one more cross’ for the book.  I have decided that once I get these 3 designs done, I’m going to call it ‘DONE’!!!!

Now I need a new deadline.   Any suggestions?


  1. Interesting - I've got a split ring cross on my pattern page. Here it is http://www.janeeborall.freeservers.com/SplitRingCross.pdf

  2. What an amazing array of lovely crosses ! I recognise some of the motifs from your earlier books , nicely working together here as well. And the Interlaced type of cross is Very intriguing :-)
    Wishing you success, whenever you choose to publish :-)
